

型番 ブランド 日付 パッケージ 数量 発言 データ お問合せ
 EMMC256-IY29-5B101  Kingston  24+  FBGA-153  1000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 SPH0644LM4H-1  Knowles  24+  SMD  3000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 D2516ECMDXGJDI-U  Kingston  24+  FBGA-96  2000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 D0811PM2FDGUKW-U  KINGSTON  24+  FBGA-200  2000  New and original have in stock!
 EMMC128-TY29-5B102  Kingston  24+  FBGA-153  2000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 EMMC256-TY29-5B102  KINGSTON  24+  FBGA-153  2000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 EMMC64G-TY29-5B102  Kingston  24+  FBGA-153  2000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 EMMC16G-WW28-01E22  Kingston  24+  FBGA-153  2000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 EMMC128-IY29-5B102  Kingston  24+  FBGA-153  5000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 EMMC256-IY29-5B102  Kingston  24+  FBGA-153  2000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 EMMC16G-MW28-01E22  Kingston  24+  FBGA-153  2000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 EMMC04G-MT32-01G02  Kingston  24+  FBGA-153  2000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 EMMC08G-MV28-01J22  Kingston  24+  FBGA-153  2000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 EMMC04G-WT32-01G02  Kingston  24+  FBGA-153  2000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 B3221XM3BDGVI-U  Kingston  24+  FBGA-200  3000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 B1621PM2FDGUK-U  Kingston  24+  FBGA-200  3000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 D0811PM2FDGUK-U  Kingston  24+  FBGA-200  3000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 D1611PM3BDGUI-U  Kingston  24+  FBGA-200  3000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 D1216ECMDXGMEY-U  Kingston  24+  FBGA-96  3000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 D2516ECMDXGMEY-U  Kingston  24+  FBGA-96  3000  全新原装New and original have in stock
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